Katie's Corner Mixed Age Class was specifically designed for children. Every song was written with that of a child's imagination and curiosity in mind. The songs will open a door of wonder and will touch on life's special moments, like when we need to be kind, using our imagination, evading a big giant named Moe, or just being silly. Every song is filled with a rich melody that will have you and your child singing together throughout the day.


My music incorporates the basic roots of music education that are vital to our children's development: sign language, repetition, rhyming schemes, call and response, instrumental play, movement, and more. I also believe the interaction and participation by parents or caregivers in class is crucial to enriching a child's interest in participating.  

When my daughter was an infant, we had mommy music time every single morning. My husband and I knew immediately the importance of music in her life as she radiated with joy when we began to sing songs that had now become familiar. Witnessing her associate words to certain movements was so special to us both;  a true sign her little brain was taking it all in. I believe music and movement is fundamental to a child's intellectual development, and want to help them thrive to that of the highest capacity.